10 Easy-to-Follow Money Rules to Improve Your Financial Health

To avoid any conflict down the road, I made a commitment to be in alignment with Cassandra’s own money rules.

Have you noticed that my rules are more about saying yes than saying no? It’s not about depriving yourself of little luxuries. Your money rules are just as much about investing in yourself, especially when that investment can help you make even more money. There are no limits on earning potential. However, there is a limit on how much you can cut.

Remember, these are your rules catered to your unique interests, abilities, and lifestyle. And it’s OK to fall off the wagon and make mistakes. But always keep in mind that the real mistake is doing nothing. Anyone can make smart financial decisions with a solid, personalized plan that works for them.

Want to dive deeper into my 10 money rules? I break it all down for you in this YouTube video about Money Rules:

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